Tuesday, December 9, 2008

TOP 25 Sexy Celebrity - 20.Will Smith


Will Smith shot to fame in the television series The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and is now one of the biggest names in entertainment.

Overall Rating

Will Smith is the very definition of multi-talented. A singer, a comedian, an actor - all this and he's a real family man as well. Don't be surprised if he makes the trip from Hollywood to Washington and becomes the first black President of the United States.

His Sexiest Moments

1. Showing off his new bigger body as Muhammad Ali in the movie Ali (2001).

2. As the love doctor Alex Hitchens in the film Hitch (2005) who takes a long overdue look at his own personal life.

3. In the movies Men in Black (1997) and Men in Black II (2002), with his black suit and shades. Very smart. Very sexy.

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